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Outdoor room

The brief:

The garden represented the only view from the main living areas so it was important that it was looking at it’s best day and night. The old paving was breaking up and new stable surfaces were required. The client wanted more wildlife in the garden and enjoyed the sound of running water.

The solution:

The dimensions of the garden were tiny so it was really important to make every square inch count! Decking and boardwalks were installed at an angle to reduce the linear aspect of the site. Heavy Oak timber was used in the construction of a rustic pergola and for it’s hard wearing properties in the deck. Various benches and a small Indian Sandstone patio were built to offer a variety of seating options. A high bespoke fence was built to give privacy and painted a deep charcoal to offer a striking backdrop for the planting.

A large scale outdoor mirror was attached to the rear wall to create an illusion of space. The sound of running water was introduced with water flowing over a monolith and waterfall into a small fishpond. The planting was selected for its tranquil character and included Ferns, Camellia and Maples. Subtle low voltage brings the garden alive at night!

The result:

A complete little landscape to look out on and enjoy day or night…

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Remember to give the garden extra water in the hot weather and keep ontop of the weeds !

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0787 526 6372